Provides 60+ hours of technical assistance and expert consultation for one Child Advocacy Center, enhancing the direct services offered to child abuse victims.
Supports policy changes and stakeholder education regarding felony child abuse cases.
Ensures training opportunities for Child Advocacy Center staff and local multidisciplinary teams to improve decisions affecting investigation, treatment, management, and prosecution of child abuse cases.
Supports forensic interview training and one year of ongoing peer support for child abuse professionals responsible for conducting interviews with child victims and providing testimony for the criminal court process.
Enhances Mississippi college and university partnerships to promote CAST curriculum and case simulations through the Child Advocacy Training Institute supporting workforce development.
Provides statewide awareness of the Children’s Advocacy Center model and education resources for parents on ways they can protect children from abuse.
2024 Community Partners
Current Protector’s Circle
Protector’s Circle Members serve as voice for children victimized by abuse through increasing community awareness, promoting prevention, and financially strengthening the coordinated work of Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi. Individuals join the Protector’s Circle through a pledged $1,000 annual donation.
Kathy Smith
Tanner & Katherine Swetman
Tony & Liz Torricelli
Linda Trifone
David Trigliani
Allen & Karla Tye
Steven & Jacalyn Tye
Mark & Carolyn Wakefield
Jamie Woods-Dull
Michelle Adcock
Leon & Linda Anderson
David & Cheryl Allen
Brenda Barron
Patricia Bennett
Boatner & Laura Blankenstein
Alton & Katie Boone
Heath & Sheila Brand
Abby Brann
LeAnne Brewer
Richard Calderone
Mike & Lanita Campbell
Phillip Carpenter
Cecelia Cenac
Elizabeth Crisler
Dr. Owen Evans
Amanda Fontaine
Hoover Gunn
John Hudson
Caroline Hungerford
Nancy Hungerford
Joel & Harriet Jones
Peder Johnson
Patti Marshall
Rhonda Moore
Michael McRee
Nancy Tye-Murray
Butch Oustalet
Greg Rader
Brenden & Leigh Ann Ross
Marie & Brian Sanderson
David Shemper