Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) is a nationally-recognized curriculum to train students at colleges and universities how to effectively identify and address child abuse/neglect, report child maltreatment appropriately, and become a viable community team member in the prevention and remediation of child maltreatment.
Child Advocacy Studies programming is designed to be flexible and easy to implement, with minimal demands on time and resources. Faculty and institutions can weave content into current programming, offer standalone courses, or create whole modules for in-depth studies. Child Advocacy Studies may be implemented at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and faculty may use existing materials or develop their own content based on student or community needs. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi in partnership with the Zero Abuse Project, welcomes collaboration and has a network of experts ready to assist with curriculum design and program management. For more information please email cast@mschaptercacs.org
Child advocacy programming
Universities & Colleges
Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) represents an initiative within Mississippi to enhance workforce development and career readiness for college students. The Child Advocacy Studies curriculum is designed to increase the understanding of factors that contribute to child maltreatment, foster recognition of the signs of potential maltreatment, and inform students of evidence-based best practices for responding. Child Advocacy Studies offers the availability for students to complete a certificate or minor as part of the curriculum. Mississippi is the leader in the number of Child Advocacy Studies programs available within higher institutions of learning throughout the country. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi provides support, technical assistance, and training for the Child Advocacy Studies programs offered throughout the state. Click below to learn more.
In Mississippi, Child Advocacy Studies are provided at:
CAST Code of Ethics
The Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) Code of Ethics applies to professionals who have received extensive knowledge in the field of child advocacy and who share the common goal of combating all forms of child maltreatment and promoting child abuse awareness. The CAST Code of Ethics serves a reminder that CAST professionals shall interact in words and actions according to trauma-informed knowledge received through the CAST curriculum. The CAST Code of Ethics has been adopted by the Mississippi CAST Initiative and is being reviewed with students across the state within each CAST course offered. The guidelines within the CAST Code of Ethics represent the knowledge of principles, values, and structural responses that support safety and service responses for child victims and survivors of child maltreatment.